Vatican 1992

The End of Galileo Galilei's Trial

Sala Regia, Vatican Palace, 0ctober 31, 1992

© Basarab Nicolescu/CIRET - Participants at the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in front of Casina Pio IV. First raw : astrophysicist Nicolo Dallaporta (2nd from left to right), physicist Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize of Physics (1st from right to left). Second raw : mathématician René Thom (4th from right to left), physicist Walter Thirring (6th from right to left), physicist Basarab Nicolescu (2nd from left to right), mathematician André Lichnerowicz (3rd from left to right). Third raw : physicist Nicola Cabbibo (1st from right to left).

© Basarab Nicolescu/CIRET - The members of the Diplomatic Corps.

© Basarab Nicolescu/CIRET - The allocution of the Pope John Paul II.

© Basarab Nicolescu/CIRET - Pope John Paul II and Basarab Nicolescu, before the ceremony of the end. - Last modified on : Saturday, October 20 2012 17:37:30