Scientific Work - Introduction to the List of Scientific Publications


• Total number of scientific publications: 125 (65 in refereed reviews). The word "Odderon" is present in more than 400 articles.

Article considered as "famous" by the data basis INSPIRE:

TOPCITE = 250+
L. Lukaszuk et B. Nicolescu, Nuovo Cimento Letters 8 (1973) 405

Articles considered as "very known" by the dat basis INSPIRE:

TOPCITE = 100+
K. Kang et B. Nicolescu, Physical Review 11 (1975) 2461
J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, B. Nicolescu, E. A. Razuvaev et N. P. Tkachenko, Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 201801
J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. Lugovsky, B. Nicolescu et N. Tkachenko, Physical Review D65 (2002) 074024

D. Joynson, E. Leader, C. Lopez et B. Nicolescu, Nuovo Cimento 30A (1975) 345

P. Gauron, E. Leader et B. Nicolescu, Nuclear Physics B299 (1988) 640
D. Bernard, P. Gauron et B. Nicolescu, Physics Letters 199B (1987) 125
P. Gauron, E. Leader et B. Nicolescu, Physical Review Letters 54 (1985) 2656
P. Gauron, E. Leader et B. Nicolescu, Physics Letters B238 (1990) 406


I am the founder (in collaboration with the Polish physicist Leszek Lukaszuk) of a new domain of strong interactions, known under the name of Odderon.

I introduced the concept of Odderon in 1973 based on the asymptotic theorems. Considered, at the beginning, as « heretical », the concept of Odderon acquired now a theoretical status which is beyond doubt. The Odderon was rediscovered in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in 1980 by J. Bartels, J. Kwiecinski and M. Praszalowicz.

Recent advancements concerning Odderon physics were discussed in September 2005 at the workshop "Odderon Searches at RHIC" at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where I was invited to give the opening talk. They were also discussed at other congresses and workshops (for example, the workshop "Pomeron and Odderon in Theory and Experiment" organized in by the University of Heidelberg where I gave the opening talk.

Several PhD thesis, having as subject the Odderon, were sustained these last years at the University of Heidelberg (Tobias Golling, Tania Robens, Volker Schatz et Oliver Nix). Finally, an important review on the Odderon was published: Carlo Ewerz, The Odderon in Quantum Chromodynamics, hep-ph/0306137. In this paper, all my works are analyzed and discussed.

On theoretical level, the Odderon is the first non-trivial case of application of the general Yang-Baxter formalism to QCD. On experimental level, the Odderon stimulates experimental researches at present accelerators (Tevatron, HERA, RHIC and LHC).

One of my major scientific aims was the study of the theoretical status of the Odderon in perturbative QCD. My work was performed in a long-term collaboration with Lev Lipatov from the University of Sankt Petersburg (Russia).

There are some firm experimental indications of the Odderon: the existence of a difference between the proton-proton and proton-antiproton differential cross sections at √s = 52.8 GeV, and also the t-dependence of the charge-exchange pi-nucleon polarisation at medium energies. However these indications are not considered as establishing the experimental existence of the Odderon.

The Odderon remains an elusive object, 36 years after its invention. In the history of physics, it is very rare that a scientifically testable idea is neither proved nor disproved after such a long time.

The cause of this enigma is very simple to understand. On one side, most of the experimental efforts were concentrated on the proton-proton and proton-antiproton scatterings separately, were the Odderon is totally hidden by the huge contribution of the Pomeron. On other side, the most spectacular effect of the Odderon is to induce a difference between proton-proton and proton-antiproton scatterings at very high energies, which unfortunately will not be measured at the planned accelerators.

Odderon is now a fundamental object in QCD and it has to be found experimentally if QCD is right.


• Yang-Mills fields and the self-interaction of vector fields

• Applications of topology at the study of strong interactions

• The universal Heisenberg-Froissart increase of the hadron total cross-sections at high energies

• Asymptotic theorems

• Baryonium and other multiquark states

• Dual Resonance Model

• Hadron phenomenology at high energies

• The COMPETE Project - Last modified on : Wednesday, October 03 2018 14:53:02