1. Published Books and Coordination of Collective Works; DVD and Videocassettes


Théorèmes poétiques, Attakwin, Damas, Syrie, 2020, translation in arab by Adonis and Houria Abdelouahed.

Harul feminin, Eikon, Bucureşti, 2019, cover by Frédérique Lemarchand (in Romanian).

Români din Paris, Vremea, Bucureşti, 2018, in collaboration with Louis Monier, foreword by Basarab Nicolescu, translation from French by Lucian Dindirică (in Romanian).

Roumains de Paris / Romanians of Paris, Michel de Maule, Paris, 2017, in collaboration with Louis Monier, foreword by Basarab Nicolescu.

The Hidden Third, Quantum Prose, New York, 2016, translated from the French by William Garvin, cover and photographs by Thomas Ahlgren, foreword by Gonçalo Tavares.

Light Within Light / Lumină în lumină, Editura Universității de Vest, Timişoara, 2016, in collaboration with Silviu Oravitzan (in English and in Romanian).

Roots of Freedom / Rădăcinile libertății, 2nd edition, Editura Universității de Vest, Timişoara, 2016, translation by Carmen Lucaci (in Romanian).

Poetical Theorems / Théorèmes poétiques, 12 texts by Basarab Nicolescu and 14 etchings by Francis Rollet, bibliophile edition, 50 copies, Belz, France, 2014 (in French).

From Modernity to Cosmodernity - Science, Culture, and Spirituality, State University of New York (SUNY) Press, New York, USA, 2014.

Ion Barbu - Cosmologia "Jocului secund", 3rd edition, Editura Aius, Craiova, 2013, foreward by Pompiliu Craciunescu (in Romanian).

Poetical Theorems / Teoremas poéticos, Sálto de Pagina , Madrid, 2013, translation from French by Clara Janés, illustrations by Karl Blossfeldt (in Spanish).

George Manu - Rector of Aiud's Prison / George Manu - Rectorul din Zarca Aiudului, Documentary movie produced by Nicolae Margineanu, Fundaţia Creştină Părintele Arsene Boca, Bucharest, Romania, 2013, DVD (Romanian/French/English).

Has the Universe a Meaning? The Contemporary Dialogue Between Science and Religion / Universul are oare un sens? Dialogul contemporan dintre ştiinţă şi religie, National Theater of Bucharest, "Conferences of the National Theater" series, Bucharest, Romania, 2013, booklet and DVD.

Poetical Theorems / Théorèmes poétiques / Teoreme poetice, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, Romania, 2013, bilingual bibliophile edition French/Romanian illustrated by Mircia Dumitrescu, 500 copies of which 200 numbered copies are signed by the author.

Multi, Inter and Transdisciplinarity in Scientific Research / Multi, inter şi transdisciplinaritate în cercetarea ştiințifică, University Petrol-Gaze Editing House, Ploieşti, Romania, 2011 (in Romanian).

From Isarlîk to the Valley of Astonishment / De la Isarlîk la Valea Uimirii, vol. 1 - Spiritual Interferences / Interferențe spirituale, vol. 2 - The Way Without End / Drumul fără sfârşit, Curtea Veche, Bucharest, Romania, 2011, foreword by Irina Dincă.

Poetical Theorems / Thèorèmes poétiques / Teoreme poetice, Metropolitan Library of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 2009, bilingual bibliophile edition French/Romanian realized by Mircia Dumitrescu, Anna-Maria Orban, Carla Duschka, and Vëllahu Vangjush, 50 copies, 13 illustrations by Mircia Dumitrescu.

What is Reality? / Qu'est-ce que la réalité ?, Liber, Montréal, Canada, 2009.
- Ce este Realitatea ?, Junimea, Iasi, 2009, translation from French into Romanian by Simona Modreanu.
- O que é a Realidade?, Triom, São Paulo, 2012, translation from French into Portuguese by Marly Segreto.
- Co je Realita ?, Malvern, Prague, 2019, translation from French into Czech by Lucie Nováková.

In the Mirror of Destiny - Autobiographical Essays / In oglinda destinului - Eseuri autobiografice, Ideea Europeana, Bucharest, 2009.

Man between Science and Religion/L'homme entre science et religion, with the participation of Thierry Magnin, Basarab Nicolescu, Bruno Guiderdoni.
CLC Productions, KTO, 2007 with the support of Centre National de la Cinématographie.
Producer: Caroline Puig-Grenetier.
Broadcast by TV KTO in 2007.
European prize of Spiritual Film, 2008.

Quantum Physics and world re-enchantment/Physique quantique et réenchantement du monde, Lazaret Ollandini, Corse, 2007.

L9 Vidéocassette
Does science think?/ La science pense-t-elle? – debate with Jean Bricmont and Jacques Vauthier, produced by VIDEOSCOP/University Nancy 2 for the Ministry of Education and Research, 2005 ; broadcast twice by Canal U,  « Amphis de France 5 ».

The Third Secretly Included /Le tiers secrètement inclus, Babel Publishing House, Mazamet, 2002, illustrated by Frédéric Benrath.

Roots of freedom/Les racines de la liberté, Accarias-L'Originel, Paris, 2001, in collaboration with  Michel Camus.
- Radacinile libertatii, Curtea Veche Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004, translation into Romanian by Carmen Lucaci.

Transdisciplinarity/La transdisciplinarité, manifesto, Rocher Publishing House, Transdisciplinarity series, Monaco, 1996.
- Il Manifesto della Transdisciplinarità, Armando Siciliano Editore, Messina, 2014, translation in Italian by Emanuela Bambara.
- La Transdisciplinariedad - Manifiesto, Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, 2009, translation  in Spanish by Mercedes Vallejo Gomez.
- Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity, State University of New York (SUNY) Press, New York, 2002 , translation  in English by Karen-Claire Voss.
- Manifesto da Transdisciplinaridade, Hugin, Lisbonne, 2000, translation  in Portuguese by Bardus.
- Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity, Librairie Isis Editeur, Collection "Afaq" no2, Damascus, 2000, translation  in Arab by Dimitri Avghérinos, foreword by Adonis.
- Transdisciplinaritatea - Manifest, Polirom, Coll. Plural, Bucharest, 1999, translation  in Romanian by Horia Mihail Vasilescu ; 2nd edition : Junimea, Iasi, 2007.
- O manifesto da transdisciplinaridade, Éditions TRIOM, São Paulo, 1999, translation  in Portuguese by Lucia Pereira de Souza; 2nd edition: 2001 ; 3rd édition: 2005.

Poetic Theorems/Théorèmes poétiques, Editions du Rocher, Monaco, 1994, foreword by Michel Camus.
- Teoreme poetice, Cartea Româneascã, Caietele Inorogului series, Bucharest, 1996, translation in Romanian by L. M. Arcade, foreword by Michel Camus ; 2nd edition : Junimea, Iasi, 2007.

Science, Meaning and Evolution - The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme:La science, le sens et l'évolution - Essai sur Jakob Boehme, Félin, Paris, 1988, foreword by Antoine Faivre ; 2nd edition : Man and the Meaning of the Universe/L'homme et le sens de l'univers - Essai sur Jakob Boehme, Philippe Lebaud, Paris, 1995, forewords by  Joscelyn Godwin and Antoine Faivre.
- Science, Meaning and Evolution - The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme, Parabola Books, New York, 1991, translation  in English by Rob Baker,  foreword by  Joscelyn Godwin and afterword by Antoine Faivre.
- Science, Meaning and Evolution - The Cosmology of Jakob Boehme / Stiinta sensul si evolutia - Eseu asupra lui Jakob Böhme, Eminescu, Bucarest, 1992, translation  into Romanian by Aurelia Batali, foreword by Antoine Faivre ; 2nd edition: Vitruviu, Bucharest, 2000 ; 3rd edition: Cartea Româneasca, Bucharest, 2007.
- Science, Meaning and Evolution - The Cosmology of Jakob Boehme / Ciência, sentido & evolução - A cosmologia de Jacob Boehme, Attar, São Paulo, 1995, translation  in Portuguese by Américo Sommerman foreword by Jocelyn Godwin and Antoine Faivre.

L'homme et ses trois éthiques, Stéphane Lupasco, in cllaboration with Solange de Mailly-Nesle and Basarab Nicolescu, Rocher, Series « Science and Spirit », Monaco, 1986.


- O Homem e as Suas Três Éticas, Instituto Piaget, Lisbon, 1994, translation into Spanish by Armando Pereira da Silva.

- Omul si cele trei etici ale sale, Editura Stefan Lupascu, Iasi, 1999, translation into Romanian by Vasile Sporici.

Us, the Particle and the World / Nous, la particule et le monde, Editions Le Mail, Paris, France, 1985; 2nd edition: Rocher, Monaco, 2002, prize of the French Academy (in French).


- Nos, a particula e o universo,  Esquilo, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, translation in Portuguese by Isabel Debot, in the framework of the International Year of Physics.

- Noi, particula si lumea, Polirom, Iasi, Roumanie, 2002, translation in Romanian by Vasile Sporici ; 2nd edition: Junimea, Iasi, Romania, 2007.

Ion Barbu - Cosmologia "Jocului secund", Editura pentru literaturã, Bucharest, 1968; 2nd edition: Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest, 2004.


The Hidden Third in the Different Fields of Knowledge / Terțul Ascuns în diferitele domenii ale cunoaşterii, Aius, Craiova, 2016 (in Romanian).

René Daumal et l'enseignement de Gurdjieff, Le bois d'Orion, Ile-sur-la-Sorgue, France, 2015.

The Hidden Third in the Different Fields of Knowledge/ Le Tiers Caché dans les différents domaines de la connaissance, Bois d'Orion, Ile-sur-la Sorgue, France, 2016 (in French).

In the Search of the Total Man. The Literary and Spiritual Heritage of Vintila Horia / În căutarea „omului total”. Moştenirea literară şi spirituală a lui Vintilă Horia, Vremea, Bucureşti, 2016, in collaboration with Cristian Bădiliță (in Romanian).

Transdisciplinary Education, Philosophy and Applications, ATLAS Publishing, Lubbock, Texas, USA, 2014, in collaboration with Atila Ertas.

Transdisciplinary Theory and Practice, ATLAS Publishing, Lubbock, Texas, USA, 2013, in collaboration with Atila Ertas.

Ion Barbu, in Time and Beyond Time / Ion Barbu, în timp şi dincolo de timp, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, Romania, 2013.

Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability, ATLAS Publishing, Lubbock, Texas, USA, 2012.

Transdisciplinarity, a New Vision of the World / Transdisciplinarité, une nouvelle vision du monde, Les Cahiers Villard de Honnecourt, Paris, n° 80, September 2011 (in French).

At the Confluence of Two Cultures - Lupasco Today / À la confluence de deux cultures - Lupasco aujourd'hui, Oxus, Paris, 2010.

- At the Confluence of Two Cultures - Lupasco Today / La confluenta a doua culturi - Lupasco astazi, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, 2010.

René Daumal or the perpetual incandescent / René Daumal ou le perpétuel incandescent, Le bois d'Orion, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 2008, in collaboration with Jean-Philippe de Tonnac.

Transdisciplinarity - Theory and Practice, Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ, USA, 2008. 

Death today /La mort aujourd'hui (Moartea astazi), Curtea Veche Publ., Bucharest, 2008 (in Romanian).

Transdisciplinary approaches of the dialogue between science, art, and religion in the Europe of tomorrow, Curtea Veche, Bucharest, 2008, in collaboration with Magda Stavinschi.

Science and Orthodoxy, a necessary dialogue, Curtea Veche, Bucharest, 2006, in collaboration with Magda Stavinschi.

The sacred today /Le sacré aujourd'hui, Rocher Publ., « Transdisciplinarity » series, Monaco, 2003.

Science and Religion : Antagonism or Complementarity, XXI : Eonul Dogmatic, « New World Paradigm » series, Bucharest, 2003, in collaboration with Magdalena Stavinschi.

- Science and Religion : Antagonism or Complementarity / Stiinta si religie - Antagonism sau complementaritate ?, XXI : Eonul Dogmatic, "New World Paradigm series", Bucharest, 2003, in collaboration with Magdalena Stavinschi.

Stéphane Lupasco – the man and his work/Stéphane Lupasco - L'homme et l'oeuvre, Rocher Publ., Transdisciplinarity series, Monaco, 1999, in collaboration with Horia Badescu.

- Stéphane Lupasco – the Man and His Work / Stéphane Lupasco - O Homem e a Obra, TRIOM Publ. and University de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brésil, 2001, translation into Portuguese by  Lucia Pereira de Souza.

Man, Science and Nature- Transdisciplinary outlooks/L'homme, la science et la nature - Regards transdisciplinaires, Le Mail, Science et conscience series, Paris, 1994, in collaboration with Michel Cazenave.

http://basarab-nicolescu.ciret-transdisciplinarity.org/tw_booksdvd.php - Last modified on : Monday, July 27 2020 15:18:41