
January 2020

Basarab Nicolescu is Nominated for the Nobel Prize of Peace 2020

19 October 2019

Basarab Nicolescu receives "The Peace Prize", attributed by UNIPAZ and ALUBRAT, Brazil, 2019: " To the pilgrim of peaceful consciousness, we honor your legacy of Transdisciplinarity that drives the evolutionary awakening of humanity".

18-20 October 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the key-note talk "Transdisciplinarity - Hope for Humanity in the 21st Century", International Congress "Happiness and Spirituality", UNIPAZ, Goiânia, Brazil

18 September 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give a talk "Man and the Meaning of the Universe", Workshop "The Church Confronted with the Present Crisis", Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris

29 May 2019

Basarab Nicolescu receives the Brancoveanu Prize attributed by the Alexandrion Foundation for the Values of the Romanian Culture, Romanian Embassy, Paris

23 May 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the key-note talk "Transdisciplinarity - A Hope for Humanity" at the 3rd Congreso Internacional de Investigacion Transdisciplinar en Ciencias Humanas, University of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

11 May 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to present the book "Romanian of Paris" at the International Book Fair of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

11 April 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Poveste cu ţigani de L. M. Arcade şi Apocalipsa Sfântului Ioan ", International Congress EXIPORA 2019, Biblioteca Județeană „Alexandru și Aristia Aman", Craiova, Romania.

4 April 2019

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Mircea Eliade, une des personnalités les plus importantes du 20e siècle", Espace Andrée Chedid, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.

24 March 2019

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "La religion chrétienne face au transhumanisme", Église Saint Séraphin de Sarov, Paris, France.

6 December 2018

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Istoricul Catedralei Sfinţilor Arhangheli din Paris", Workshop « Lupta românilor pentru afirmarea idenitităţii naţionale în lumina principiilor wilsoniene », Catedrala Mitropolitană « Sfinţii Arhangheli Mihail, Gavriil şi Rafail », Paris.

23 November 2018

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the National University of Arts "George Enescu", Iaşi, Romania.

23 November 2018

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "The Romanian Exile and the Unification of the Romanian Culture", National University of Arts "George Enescu", Iaşi, Romania.

8 November 2018

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the spectacle "Poetical Theorems" in collaboration with Martha Cantu and Gustavo Avilés (piano), Black Box, Mexico City.

30 October - 12 November 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give 24 hours of lectures on "Transdisciplinarity and Anthropological Sciences" at Escuela National de Antropologia e Historia (ENAH) and at the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM, Mexico City.

9 October 2018

Basarab Nicolescu meets the students of University of Versailles on the exemplarity of transdisciplinarity, CentRoArt 2018, Versailles, France.

6 October 2018

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Christian Religion facing Transhumanism" at the Workshop "Orthodox Theology and Science", Cathédrale Orthodoxe Roumaine, Paris.

2-3 October 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is "invited personality" at the International Festival of Book Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He participates at three different events.

4 September 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Did Totem Experiments Discover the Odderon?", XLVIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics», Singapore

14 June 2018

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the "Ovidius" University, Constanţa, Romania

4 June 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the opening talk "Being Transdisciplinary, as Keystone of Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century", International Congress ATLAS 2018 "Being Transdisciplinary", University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

17 April 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the opening talk "Informaţia naturală, informaţia spirituală şi terțul ascuns", Workshop „Viața, între rațiune și credință”, Vremea bucuriei, Timişoara, Romania

16 March 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the key-note talk "Transdisciplinarity: Reconciling Sciences and Humanities", AlunCo Educativa, Fundación AlunCo Internacional, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

9 March 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to dialogue with Philippe Guillemant on « Le souffle quantique », Soirée Kaizen, Mairie du 12e arrondissement, Paris, France

9-10 February 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Science and Orthodox Christianity Confronted with the New Barbarism - Panterrorism, Anthropocene and Transhumanism", International Conference "Orthodox Christianity and the Reassessment of Scientific Knowledge", Athens, Greece

26-27 January 2018

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to dialogue with Annick de Souzenelle on "Man, from Genesis till Quantum Physics", institut d'Anthropologie, Prieuré Saint Augustin, Angers, France

6 December 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdisciplinarity : Reconciling the Sciences and the Humanities", Accademia di Romania, Roma, Italy

11 November 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Science et spiritualité face à la nouvelle barbarie: le panterrorisme, l’anthropocène et le transhumanisme", Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

4 November 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Quelques réflexions sur la communauté intellectuelle de l’Exil Roumain de Paris (1947-1989)", Cathédrale Orthodoxe Roumaine, Paris, France

20 October 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Nichifor Crainic şi Vintilă Horia: umbre şi lumini", EXIPORA 2017, Medias, Romania

7 October 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Qu'est que la Mécanique Quantique?", Bibliothèque Louis Aragon, Amiens, France, en dialogue avec Raphaël Juan-Bouysset

11 September 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is elected Member of Honour of the Deutsch-Rumänische Akademie Baden-Baden

11 September 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is is invited to give the keynote lecture "Transdisciplinaritatea şi noua barbarie – panterorismul, anthropocenul şi transumanismul", 15th Anniversary of the Deutsch-Rumänische Akademie Baden-Baden, Facultatea de Medicină Generală, UMF « Carol Davila », Bucharest, Romania

27 June 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the conference "Transdisciplinary Realism", 13th IASS-AIS World Congress of Semiotics «Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans-», Kaunas, Lithuania.

26 June 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the keynote lecture "Transdisciplinarity as Solution to the Challenges of Contemporary World", 13th IASS-AIS World Congress of Semiotics « Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans- », Kaunas, Lithuania.

8 June 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdisciplinaritatea şi noua barbarie – panterorismul, anthropocenul şi transumanismul", 4th International Congress « Politics, Diplomacy, Culture », Craiova, Romania.

1 June 2017

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Citizen of Honour of the City of Craiova (Romania).

15 May 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity - Similarities and Differences", Université Paris-Sud, Chatenay-Malabry, France

23 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu receives the Prize Opera Omnia, 150th Anniversary of the Review "Convorbiri literare", Iasi, Romania

21 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "The Included Middle and the Hidden Third", Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania

20 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "What is Transdiciplinarity? Science, Society, and Applications", Palace of Culture, Iasi, Romania

6 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdiciplinarity - Concept, Methodology, and Applications", Université Clermond Auvergne - OR2D, Clermond-Ferrand, France

25 March 2017

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the Round-Table "Bucharest/Paris and Paris/Bucharest - Readings and Friendships", Salon du Livre, Paris, France

9 March 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Romanian Exile in Paris", Union of Writers - Cluj, Romania

15 May 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity - Similarities and Differences", Université Paris-Sud, Chatenay-Malabry, France

23 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu receives the Prize Opera Omnia, 150th Anniversary of the Review "Convorbiri literare", Iasi, Romania

21 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "The Included Middle and the Hidden Third", Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania

20 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "What is Transdiciplinarity? Science, Society, and Applications", Palace of Culture, Iasi, Romania

6 April 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdiciplinarity - Concept, Methodology, and Applications", Université Clermond Auvergne - OR2D, Clermond-Ferrand, France

25 March 2017

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the Round-Table "Bucharest/Paris and Paris/Bucharest - Readings and Friendships", Salon du Livre, Paris, France

9 March 2017

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Romanian Exile in Paris", Union of Writers - Cluj, Romania

9 December 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdisciplinarity and Spirituality", Academia Laica, Concepcion, Chile.

7 December 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "The Need for Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education", Universidad de Concepcion, Chile.

7 December 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdisciplinarity as Unifier of Sciences and Humanities", Universidad de Concepcion, Chile.

9 November 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Transdisciplinarity and the Hidden Third: Reconciling the Sciences and the Humanities", Michigan State University, International Center, Lansing, USA.

1-22 October 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give lectures at Széchenyi University's Doctoral Program in Management (SzEEDSM), Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Bussiness Administration, Budapest, Hungary.

18 October 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is giving the introductory talk "Romanian Culture Reunification" at the opening of the "Library of the Romanian Exile in Paris - Basarab Nicolescu", Library Alexandru and Aristia Aman, Craiova, Romania.

13 October 2016

Dialogue between Basarab Nicolescu and the poetess Claude Berr (moderated by Jacques Fournier) and readings from "Poetical Theorems" by Basarab Nicolescu by Laurent Searle and Véronique Hélène Malvoisin, Festival of Theater, Poetry and Cinema (Meetings ThéPoFi ), Maison de l'Étudiant, Guyancourt, Versailles, France.

6 October 2016

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of the West,Timisoara, Romania.

6 October 2016

Basarab Nicolescu, in collaboration with Marcel Tolcea, is the moderator of international congress "Light Within Light - Transdisciplinary Dialogues Around the Work of Silviu Oravitzan", University of the West,Timisoara, Romania.

6 October 2016

Launching of the book Roots of Freedom / Rădăcinile libertății (Editura Universității de Vest, Timişoara, 2016), 2nd edition, in collaboration with Michel Camus, translation by Carmen Lucaci (in Romanian), University of the West,Timisoara, Romania.

5 October 2016

Launching of the book Light Within Light (Editura Universității de Vest, Timişoara, 2016), in collaboration with Silviu Oravitzan (bilingual edition in English and in Romanian), National Museum of Banat, Timisoara, Romania.

5 July 2016

Basarab Nicolescu in dialogue with Karim Jbeili on "From Matter to Spirit", International Congress "Et la chair s'est faite verbe" , Manoir d'Youville, Canada.

1 June 2016

Basarab Nicolescu in dialogue with the Buddhist monk DM Heng Chuan on "What is Reality", ATLAS International Transdisciplinary - Transnational - Transcultural (T3) Conference "Education / Technological Singularity / Technological Innovation" , Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.

30 May 2016

Basarab Nicolescu gives the key-note talk "Technological Singularity – The Dark Side ", ATLAS International Transdisciplinary - Transnational - Transcultural (T3) Conference "Education / Technological Singularity / Technological Innovation" , Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.

30 May 2016

The "Basarab Nicolescu Transdisciplinary Science & Engineering Award" was attributed to Professor Paul Gibbs, from Middlesex University, United KIngdom, ATLAS International Transdisciplinary - Transnational - Transcultural (T3) Conference "Education / Technological Singularity / Technological Innovation" , Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.

19 May 2016

Basarab Nicolescu meets students and professors of the Universities Paris 6 and Sorbonne on the theme of transdisciplinarity at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, Paris, France.

26 April 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the opening talk "Philosophy and Transdisciplinarity as Solution to the Challenges of Contemporary World – Panterorism, Anthropocen and Transumanism", International Congress ”Diaspora in Scientific Research and Higher Teaching in Romania", Workshop "Philosophy and History in the Contemporary University: Challenges, Confrontations, Solutions", Timişoara, Romania.

14 April 2016

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Breaking the deadlock Homo religiosus / Homo economicus: the Hidden Third and the Anthropocene", Institute of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Studies of Sibiu (IPITS), Sibiu, Romania.

14 April 2016

Basarab Nicolescu meets the students and the professors of the National College "Gheorghe Lazar", Sibiu, Romania and gives the talk "The Necessity of Transdisciplinary Education".

13 April 2016

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the University "Lucian Blaga", Sibiu, Romania.

2 April 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "René Daumal, de la révolte à l’accomplissement" aux Journées d’étude « Rebelles du surréalisme », Institut National de l'Histoire de l'Art (INHA), Paris, France.

25 March 2016

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the opening talk "La francité comme résistance à la nouvelle barbarie" at the international congress "Francophonie et curiosité(s)", Iasi, Roumanie.

18 March 2016

Basarab Nicolescu moderates the round-table "Paris - Bucharest, Travels and Bildung", with the participation of Louis Monier, Virgil Tanase, Dumitru Tsepeneag and Jean-Yves Conrad, Salon du Livre de Paris.

11 February 2016

Basarab Nicolescu and Christian Le Mellec are invited by TV Salamandre (Paris) to present the book Basarab Nicolescu (Ed.), "René Daumal et l'enseignement de Gurdjieff" (Bois d'Orion), interview by Alain Santacreu, realization by Sophie Artois.

17 December 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "My Correspondance with Vintila Horia" at the symposium "Centenary of Vintila Horia", University Alcala de Henares, Spain.

10 December 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "Jacques Lacarrière et la science" at the meeting "En cheminant avec Jacques Lacarrière", Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France.

5 December 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the talk "My Correspondance with Vintila Horia" at the symposium "Centenary of Vintila Horia", "Alexandru si Aristia Aman" Library, Craiova, Romania.

24 November 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give the introductory talk "Physical Light and Spiritual Light" at the international congress "Light in Science, Technology, Nature, and Culture", National College "Moise Nicoara", Arad, Romania.

20 November 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to present the book Letters from Exile - The Literary Archive Basarab Nicolescu (Curtea Veche, Bucharest, 2015), Gaudeamus Book Fair, Bucharest, Romania.

30 October 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "Light in Science, Culture, Society, and Spirituality - The Transdisciplinary Unifier", International Congress "Lights of the World", Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania.

28 October 2015

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania.

28 October 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "The Light Inside the Light - Light in Science, Culture, Society, and Spirituality", Biblioteca « Theodor şi Aristia Aman », Craiova, Romania.

27 October 2015

Basarab Nicolescu in dialog with Luiza Mitu: "The Equilibrium Between Instincts, Feelings and Reason in the Transdisciplinary Education", Casa de Cultură « Traian Demetrescu », Craiova, Romania.

23 October 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "The Strange Dimension of Time", Liceul Tehnologic « Şcoala Naţională de Gaz », Mediaş, Romania.

22 July 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "The need for transdisciplinarity in higher education", Symposium on transdisciplinarity in postgraduate education "Rethinking postgraduate higher education from transdisciplinary perspectives", Middlesex University, London, UK.

3-6 July 2015

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to give readings from his book Poetical Theorems (Théorèmes poétiques), Festival "Poetry, Music, Chant", Centre Sainte Croix, Monestier, France.

5 June 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "How Can We Enter in Dialog? Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialog Between People, Cultures, and Spirituality - Natural Information and Spiritual Information", ISIS Summit Vienna "The Information Society at the Crossroads", Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

11 May 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Transdisciplinarity in Research and Education", Student College of Academic Performance, University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

10 April 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Niveaux de réalité et manifestation de Dieu", Colloque International "La création témoin du créateur?", Université Catholique de Lyon, Lyon, France.

March 22 2015

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the debate "Écrivains roumains primés en France: Georges Banu et Andrei Vieru", Pavillon de la Roumanie, Salon du Livre, Paris, France.

13 March 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Qu'est-ce que la transdisciplinarité?", Collège des Bernardins, Paris, France.

4 March 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "The always young Solomon Marcus", Aula Magna, Symposium "Hommage to Solomon Marcus", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

9-20 February 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the course "Methodology of transdisciplinarity" at the launching of the PhD in Transdisciplinarity a Veracruzana University, Centro de EcoAlfabetización y Diálogo de Saberes de la Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.

15 December 2015

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Le Tiers Caché - Considérations méthodologiques", Journée Internationale d’Études Transdisciplinaires du CIRET «Le Tiers Caché dans les différents domaines de la connaissance», Collège des Bernardins, Paris, France.

28 November 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk ""La transdisciplinarité: concept, méthodologie et applications", Colloque international "De l'interdisciplinarité à la transdisciplinarité? Nouveaux enjeux, nouveaux objets de la recherche en littérature et sciences humaines", Université Paris-Est Créteil, France.

14-15 November 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives a series of lectures on "Transdisciplinarity - Theory and Practice", Quinto congreso internacional de ciencias sociales, humanidades y salud - "Identidad, bienestar y sustentabilidad", AUEM, University of Toluca, Mexico.

13 November 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "La necesidad de la transdisciplinariedad para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI", Quinto congreso internacional de ciencias sociales, humanidades y salud - "Identidad, bienestar y sustentabilidad", Aula Magna, AUEM, University of Toluca, Mexico.

12 November 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Arquitectura y urbanismo como espacio transdisciplinar", Teatro Carlos Lazo, Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.

24 October 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Methodology of Transdisciplinarity and Its Implications for the European Construction" at the launching of the Center for Inter and Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CCSIT), Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

21 September 2014

Basarab Nicolescu is invited to present his book on Ion Barbu at Bookfest fair, Târgu Mures, Romania.

12 September 2014

Launching of the book "Poetical Theorems" / " Théorèmes poétiques", 12 texts by Basarab Nicolescu and 14 etchings by Francis Rollet, bibliophile edition, 50 copies, Médiathèque de Quéven, France.

24 July 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the key-note talk "The Need for Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education", 38th International Congress of the Romanian-American Academy (ARA), Los Angeles, USA.

4 July 2014

Basarab Nicolescu receives the International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD) Honorary Award and gives the key-note talk "How Can We Enter in Dialogue? Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialogue Between People, Cultures, and Spiritualities", 10th World Congress "The Human Being: its Nature and Functions", International Society for Universal Dialogue (ISUD), Craiova, Romania.

2 July 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "The Transdisciplinary Education and the Challenges of the XXIst Century", EWASS 2014 : European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Geneva, Switzerland.

28 June 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Itinéraires transdisciplinaires de l'œuvre de Gilbert Durand - de Venise à Convento da Arrábida", Symposium "Gilbert Durand - Le génie des lieux", l'Association des Amis de Gilbert Durand et l'Université de Savoie, Laboratoire LLSETI, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France.

14 June 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Conversion of Technoscience towards Human Values", 2014 CGW International Symposium "Compassion and Wisdom", Luminary Research Institute for Leadership and Innovation (LRILI), Gaia Foundation, Tao-yuan County, Taipei, Taiwan.

8-13 June 2014

Congress in Honor of Basarab Nicolescu, The ATLAS 2014 International Conference "The Science - Applications and Transdisciplinary Education", Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan.

10 June 2014

Basarab Nicolescu Transdisciplinary Science & Engineering Award is attributed to Prof. Dr. Sarah Gehlert (Washington University) and Prof. Dr. Eunsook Hyun (California State University, Los Angeles), The ATLAS 2014 International Conference "The Science - Applications and Transdisciplinary Education", Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan.

9 June 2014

Basarab Nicolescu receives the ATLAS Gold Medal of Honor, The ATLAS 2014 International Conference "The Science - Applications and Transdisciplinary Education", Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan.

9 June 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the key-note talk "Transdisciplinary Bridges between Science, Culture, Spirituality, and Society", The ATLAS 2014 International Conference "The Science - Applications and Transdisciplinary Education", Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan.

15 May 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "Necessity of Transdisciplinarity for Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century", International Congress "The Ethics of Business and Leadership in a Transdisciplinary Context", 5th Annual Griffiths School of Management International Conference, Oradea, Romania.

22-25 April 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the Distinguished lecture "Methodology of Transdisciplinarity: Its Importance for Building Sustainable Futures ", EMCSR 2014: "Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences", Vienna, Austria.

12 April 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the closing lecture "What is Reality? The unity of physical, biological and psychical worlds", International Congress "New Logics of Life", Academy of Agriculture, Paris, France.

12 April 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Qu'est-ce que la Réalité? Unité du monde physique, biologique et psychique",Colloque "Les nouvelles logiques du vivant", Université Paris V, Paris, France

March 22, 2014

Round-Table "Esoterism and Sacrality in the Today's World", with the participation of Bruno PINCHARD, Jean-Pierre BRACH, and Basarab NICOLESCU, Salon du Livre, Paris, France.

March 20, 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Reality and Transdisciplinarity", Bio-technopôle de Gerland, Lyon, France.

March 19, 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "What is Reality?", Université Catholique de Lyon, Lyon, France.

February 26 - March 2, 2014

Basarab Nicolescu is invited at Charter College of Education (CCOE) at the California State University of Los Angeles for a series of events:
- Conference “Transdisciplinarity and its approaches to education” for the Faculty and staff;
- Conversation with academic authorities, Division Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Staff on “Leadership in transdisciplinary approaches in academia” ;
- Open conversation with Doctoral students in the areas of Educational Leadership and Special Education (“disability studies”), Los Angeles, USA.

February 15-16, 2014

P. Philippe Dautais in dialogue with
B asarab Nicolescu, Centre Sainte Croix, Monestier, France.

January 22, 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "A Mythical Couple: Pierre Sergesco and Marya Kasterska ", Institut Culturel Roumain, Paris, France.

January 18, 2014

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "The Physicists's Time and the Living Time ", Saint Pierre du Gros Caillou, Paris, France.

November 2013

The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies (ATLAS), Texas, USA decided to institute the "Basarab Nicolescu Transdisciplinary Science & Engineering Award". The first prizes will be attributed in 2014.

November 22-23, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu is launching his books Ion Barbu, în timp şi dincolo de timp and Théorèmes poètiques / Teoreme poetice at Gaudeamus 2013 Bookfair, Bucharest, Romania.

October 25, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Transdisciplinary Education for the 21st Century", International Congress "Teachers for the Knowledge Society", Sinaia, Romania.

October 4, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Curricula for Homo Europeanus", International Workshop "Thinking Europe / Penser l'Europe", National Foundation for Science and Arts, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

October 3, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "A Mithical Couple: Pierre Sergesco and Marya Kasterska", National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, Romania.

October 1, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialogue Between Cultures ", University of Târgu Mures, Romania.

October 1, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu in Dialogue with Fr. Ioan Chirilă About the Relation Between Science and Religion, Biblioteca Judeţeană "George Coşbuc", Bistriţa, Romania.

September 2, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu is appointed as Professor Extraordinary at the School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016.

July 19, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity - Similarities and Differences", Workshop "Studying the Environment - Working Across Disciplines", Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Lake Kochel, Germany.

July 11-12, 2013

HE Jean-Marc Ayrault, Prime Minister of France, invited Basarab Nicolescu to accompany him in his visit of two days in Romania.

June 28, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu in debate with Prof. Ion Simaciu, Fr. Ioan Chilan, and Fr. Ioanin Chilan on "Visible and Invisible Worlds", Andreiada Association, Ploiesti, Romania.

June 19, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "Transdisciplinarity and Indisciplinarity", Workshop "Towards an Indisciplined History of Arts", Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Paris, France.

June 1, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "Transdisciplinarity and Dialogue", Université Coopérative de Paris, Paris, France.

May 20, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "A Mythical Couple: Pierre Sergesco and Marya Kasterska", Launching of the Exhibition "Pierre Sergesco and Marya Kasterska", Museum of the University Babeş-Bolyai, Cuj-Napoca, Romania.

April 15, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu in dialogue with Adrian Cioroianu: "Transdisciplinarity - Unity of Knowledge, as Condition of Human Dignity". The debate is followed by the launching of the book "Poetical Theorems", illustrated by Mircia Dumitrescu. Presentation by Eugen Simion. Ateneul Român, Bucharest, Romania.

The transcription of the debate (in Romanian) can be accessed here.

April 5, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk "How to Dialogue? Benchmarks for the Transcultural Dialogue", 3e Ateliers sur la contradiction, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne, France.

March 23, 2013, 12:30-13:30

Basarab Nicolescu is the moderator of the Round Table "L'exil littéraire roumain en France au XXe siècle - Les grandes figures", with the participation of Nicolae Breban, Eugen Simion and Miron Kiropol, Salon du Livre de Paris, Paris, France, R78.

March 23, 2013, 11:00-12:00

Basarab Nicolescu is dedicacing the book "A la confluence de deux cultures - Lupasco aujourd'hui", Oxus/Piktos editions, Paris, Salon du Livre de Paris, Paris, France, R78,

March 22, 2013, 17:30-18:30

Basarab Nicolescu is the moderator of the Round Table "Les coulisses de l'écriture - Le principe d'incertitude", with the participation of Gabriel Liiceanu, Solomon Marcus, Houria Abdelouahed and Bogdan Ghiu, Salon du Livre de Paris, Paris, France, R78,

March 22, 2013, 16:00-17:00

Basarab Nicolescu is dedicacing his bibliophile and bilingual (French/Romanian) book "Théorèmes poétiques/Teoreme poetice", illustrated by Mircia Dumitrescu, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucharest, Salon du Livre de Paris, Paris, France, R78,

March 14, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Qu'est-ce que la Réalité?", Prieuré Saint Augustin, Angers, France.

March 7, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Information physique et information spirituelle - Jung, Pauli et Lupasco face au problème psychophysique", Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra, Lille, France.

February 7, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu is giving the inaugural lesson at the Master "Transdisciplinarity and Complexity" at the University of Veracruz, Xalapa, Mexico, directed by Professor Cristina Nunez.

February 4-6, 2013

Basarab Nicolescu animates the work session, with the professors and academic authorities of the University of Veracruz and of UNAM, for the creation of a PhD in Transdisciplinarity at the University of Veracruz, Mexico, starting in 2014.

December 14, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Time and the Strange Fourth Dimension", "Ion Luca Caragiale" National College, Ploiesti, Romania.

December 14, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the launching of the exhibition "Andrei Nicolescu-Pacureti", Art Museum "Ion Ionescu Quintus", Ploiesti, Romania.

December 12, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Transdisciplinarity and Spirituality", Religious Center Andreiada, Ploiesti, Romania.

December 1, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "Stéphane Lupasco - From Quantum Physics to the World of Art", La Maison Roumaine, Paris, France.

November 24-25, 2012

Two Days with Basarab Nicolescu around the theme "What Is Reality?", Centre d'étude et de prière de Sainte-Croix, Monestier, France.

November 16, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk "How Can We Enter in Dialogue? Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialogue Between Cultures", University of Timisoara, Romania.

November 15, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk "Transdisciplinary Methodology and Its Application to Education", International Congress "Transdisciplinary Education in Pre-University Teaching", Arad, Romania.

November 12, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu is celebrated at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest - Anniversary Symposium Basarab Nicolescu - 70, organized by the Institute of Transdisciplinary Studies Science, Spirituality, Society (IT4S) in collaboration with the Romanian Academy. He receives the IT4S Medal conceived by Mircia Dumitrescu and he gives the talk How To Dialogue? Conditions of the Transcultural Dialogue.

September 27, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the symposium Dialogue Between Cultures, organized by Youth for Europe, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where he gives the talk Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialogue Between Cultures

July 12-13, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the meeting Finding Tesla Today - Tesla Memorial Prize, The 40 Foundation, Split, Croatia.

June 5, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk The Need for Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education in a Globalized World, The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies (ATLAS) Meeting 2012, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan.

May 25, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from Petroleum - Gas University, Ploieşti, Romania.

May 10, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the launching of his book From Isarlîk to the Valley of Astonishment / De la Isarlîk la Valea Uimirii, presentation by Irina Petraș, Horia Bădescu and Mircea Borcilă, Union of Writers, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

May 8, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu participates at the launching of the book Basarab Nicolescu - Under the Sign of the Septenary / Basarab Nicolescu - Sub semnul septenarului by Petrişor Militaru and Luiza Mitu (Ed.), Bookshop Book Corner, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

April 11, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinarity - methodology for unifying human and exact sciences, cultures and spiritualities at Le Quai, École Supérieure d'Art, Mulhouse, France.

March 10-11, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu in dialogue with Thierry Magnin about Levels of Reality and Included Middle at Centre d'étude et de prière de Sainte-Croix, Monestier, France.

February 28, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinary Methodology as Basis of Epistemology of Incertitude at ICN Business School, Nancy, France.

February 3, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Mircea Eliade - the Sacred, Between Art and Science at Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, France.

January 30, 2012

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk  Introduction to the Methodology of Transdisciplinarity in View of a Transdisciplinary Hermeneutics of the Work of Simone Weil at Université Catholique de Lyon, France.

November 12, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Physical Information and Spiritual Information at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium.

November 3, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Toward Transdisciplinary Education, Veracruzana University, Xalapa, Mexico.

October 31, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Veracruzana University, Xalapa, Mexico.

October 14, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinarity and Epistemology of Incertitude at the University of Montréal, Canada.

September 30, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University "Vasile Goldis", Arad, Romania.

June 15, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Anchoring Transdisciplinarity Through a Network of Networks at the Inaugural Seminar of the International Network for Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity (INIT), Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.

May 27, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu is invited as keynote speaker at International Higher Education Congress "New Trends and Issues", Istanbul, Turkey, where he gives the talk The Need for Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education.

May 21, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Dissolution of Disciplinary Boundaries in the field of Research in Economy at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

March 18, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinarity and Complexity at the Sustainability Institute, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

March 17, 2011

Basarab Nicolescu gives the invited talk Methodology of Transdisciplinarity at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), Stellenbosch, South Africa.

December 6, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives the opening talk at the international congress "Dialogue between Science, Religion, Spirituality and Society as Background of a Stable Peace in the Contemporary World, organized under the aegis of Templeton Foundation (USA), Romanian Cultural Institute, Bucharest, Romania.

December 4, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in Scientific Research at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

November 17, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives an invited talk Contemporary Need for Transdisciplinarity in Education and Spirituality at the 4th international congress  "Management of Education", Faculty of Education, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.

October 28, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinarity - Science, Spirituality, Society at National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, Romania.

October 19, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives the talk Transdisciplinarity and Spirituality at Loge Villard de Honnecourt, Paris, France.

October 2010

Basarab Nicolescu was appointed as Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University, South Africa for the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013. He was also elected as Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) Fellow for the period March 6, 2011 - April 6, 2011.

May 25, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu receives The ATLAS Ramamoorthy§Yeh Transdisciplinary Distinguished Achievement Award, offered by the Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, USA.

May 23-28, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives an invited talk Methodology of Transdisciplinarity - Levels of Reality, Logic of the Included middle and Complexity at the international congress  "Transdisciplinary Sustainable Development", Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, USA.

April 2010

Basarab Nicolescu is designated as Co-Editor-in-Chief of "Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering&Science", USA.

March 24, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu organizes the international workshop  At the Meeting Point of Two Cultures - Lupasco Today, UNESCO, Paris.

February 22-26, 2010

Basarab Nicolescu gives an invited talk Methodology of Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Development as Special Guest Speaker at the international congress  "Transdisciplinarity, Complexity and Ecoformation", University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.

October 17-21, 2009

Basarab Nicolescu chairs the Organizing Commitee of the International Congress "Romania, as Laboratory of the Dialogue between Science and Spirituality in the Contemporary World", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

July 10, 2009

Basarab Nicolescu gives an invited talk The Emerging Science Paradigm at the IV International Symposium on Environment Issues - "Activities Promoting Sustainability", Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

June 15, 2009

Basarab Nicolescu gives an invited talk The Relationship Between Complex Thinking and Transdisciplinarity at the Symposium on Complex Systems Modeling and Complexity Thinking, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Maison Suger, Paris. - Last modified on : Monday, July 27 2020 15:12:19